Sky ocean and clouds with sunlight magic

Many, many years ago I was very ill with pelvic inflammatory disease, and I spent three months on bed rest as prescribed by a medical doctor and a homeopath. Bed rest was challenging for many reasons, not least because I had to let people help with chores around the house and shopping etc, and I did not feel so independent or in control of things in the way I usually did.

Bed rest also provided me with some very valuable healing time …. time to reflect and process some of my childhood trauma. My sense is that I dropped down into a healing space where I was taking antibiotics and also homeopathic remedies .… but that a big part of the healing for me was the actual rest.

During periods of silence and solitude, during periods of rest and reflection, I feel my body soften, I feel my will to do and ‘be busy’ lessen, not always easy and joyful to be sure. But from my own experience these times can be hugely valuable …. a place where I meet my own innate ability to heal myself.

One afternoon, as I slept deeply snuggled up in my bed … a healing visualisation came to me. It was not like I put on a CD or a download and listened to a guided visualisation ~ it was just like the visualisation happened to me spontaneously. I felt the wild waves of the ocean come into my womb as if it was washing away all the debris and the disgust. I felt like a powerful swirling tornado came into my womb and swooshed out anything that needed cleansing. I felt mud come into my womb as if it was exfoliating away the infection. And I felt fire inside my womb ~ warming me up from inside, healing, cleansing, dancing, playing. This visualisation came to me regularly and it changed and evolved from time to time ~ it always involved the elements of earth, water, fire and air, but also I remember dolphins laughing and playing in me and now it includes other images of abundance.
What does abundance look and feel like to you?

I believe this Womb Healing Visualisation is valuable for healing any personal and global disrespect of the feminine…. and I feel honoured to offer it as a download in the shop.

Disrespect – some examples of disrespect – feel free to add your own versions of disrespect you have received or perceived.

Sexual abuse
He says you are frigid or gay if you do not respond to his sexual advances.
He says she asked for it.
She spends the family food on money on drugs or gambling.
Giving birth lying flat on your back

When a woman or a girl feels disrespect, she feels that in her womb. She feels the self-loathing and the disgust in her womb and she shuts down, she freezes up, and all flow and creativity is on hold while she just puts energy into surviving.

These days I don’t have to get ill to get some time to rest and reflect. I value regular time in silence and solitude in my daily life or in a retreat centre. I know from first-hand experience that resting is valuable for my health: mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. For me regular time in silence and solitude is deeply nourishing and feeds my creativity. I do believe we all have an amazing gift of self-healing, far more than we imagine. Real food, fresh air, joyful exercise, clean water, play, laughter, therapy, rest, herbs, massage and Yoga are some of the ways we can cultivate health, but also self-acceptance and self-love, hugs, companionship, time in nature, living a life with integrity, following our passions, deep breaths, silence, singing, creativity, balance, joy, work that we value, gratitude, connection with the divine etc are all very healing.
What are some of the ways you nourish your health and harmony?

This womb healing visualisation is a simple yet profound healing practice. It came to me as a woman with a womb and I think it is also valuable for women or men without a womb. If you don’t have a womb for any reason, I recommend you imagine a Golden Orb in between your bladder and your rectum while doing this practice. If you have a baby developing in your womb I recommend you use light, playful, gentle and welcoming images.

If you have any questions or anything you would like me to explore in a blog, please contact me.